Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Taking place every year in September.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — a time to raise awareness on this stigmatized, and often taboo, topic. In addition to shifting public perception, we use this month to spread hope and vital information to people affected by suicide. Our goal is ensuring that individuals, friends and families have access to the resources they need to discuss suicide prevention and to seek help.

How you can participate…


Sexual Assault/Abuse Survivors Support Group
For individuals who experienced SA/A and want mental health support. Led by trained advocates who shared the same experience.


Informational Panel on Metal Health Services
The Burlington School District will be hosting a Mental Health Services Panel organized by NAMI Racine County.


NAMI Peer-to-Peer Online classes
Make your mental wellness a priority. Take this free 8-week class to better understand mental health conditions.

9th - 10th

Veteran Outreach of Wisconsin’s Art Show
The Veterans Art and Craft Fair for fun crafts, art, and activities! NAMI Racine County will have information available to help you on your mental health journey!


22 Mile Walk to Prevent Veteran Suicide
Organized by the Veteran Outreach of Wisconsin to prevent suicide among Veterans.


Party on the Pavement
A community event. Stop by our table to learn how NAMI Racine County can support you.


NAMI Family- to- Family.
An 8-week course offered by NAMI Racine County. This course provides critical information for navigating a loved one's mental illness.

21st & 28th

Teen Talk
A group where high school-aged young people discuss issues related to school, family, relationships, challenges, and life in general is held at the Burlington Public Library.

All Month Long

Call or text 988 for free, 24/7 support or chat online at


Peer Support Group
These groups are closed to family members or others who may like to attend as a means of providing support to a loved one.

“If you’re looking for a sign not to kill yourself, this is it.”

— Unknown

“The person who completes suicide, dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand… why?”

— Clarke

You are not alone.